Monday Motivation

Hello my lovelys,

i have to admit, todays Monday Motivation is a bit, well we are in the need of some Motivation…

Last week i have been telling you about our ups and downs what so ever of our plans of business etc, Well today i have to make the announcement, we made the hard decision after some major set backs in the last couple of weeks/months and not really recover from it, we will delay our Plans for now, put them on ice and see if we can make a fresh start in a couple of years,if we still feel the same dream.

As you can see, today isnt really my day for Motivation but hey, maybe you can throw some at me and i feel motivated afterwards:)

Anyway guys thanks for listen i wish you all a great start into the new week

Stay tuned

Ninjaprincess x


  1. Das tut mir sehr leid, liebes !
    Aber ich finde, dass ihr das sehr klug angeht, eure Chance wird sicher noch kommen.
    Ich wünschte, ich könnte Dir irgendwie eine Menge Motivation schicken ♡♡♥♥
    Ich hoffe, Dir geht es bald besser.

    Liked by 1 person

Happy to read from you guys